Operations Management
For every company, Operations Management is where the rubber meets the road. It is what allows management to make the needed analysis to control costs, increase profitability, develop or expand their strategy, and improve overall performance. Unfortunately, we find many business people mis-identify the nature of a problem thinking it is the cause when, in actuality, it is merely a symptom.
For example: A manager may see their materials and labor cost off goods sold (CGS) have gone up and think they are paying too much for one or both. The real problem could be the procurement department went to a cheaper supplier and the materials are of poor quality, causing an increase in labor input and wastage. An incorrect analysis by management might cause actions that will negatively impact the company further.
We have 20+ years of collective experience in the Operations Management field. Whether your business is in the retail, manufacturing, medical, services, or the technology field, we know what to look for and what questions to ask. We will look at your company holistically to understand the entire operation and get at the heart of the real issues. This allows us to make the needed recommendations to maximize operational capabilities and capacities, increase profitability, reduce costs, increase employee and owner satisfaction, and bring clarity to the entire business operation. When necessary, we can come in for longer term engagements to assist the company in implementing the needed changes.